Traditional cleaning products are essential to leave the house clean and fragrant. They leave a freshness and can remove fat stains effortlessly and with great precision. However, most cleaning products are extremely harmful to the environment and can cause negative impacts. So we are sharing 5 simple and important tips to make cleaning with products more Eco-Sustainable.
Eco-sustainable Cleaning
TIP 1 – Concentrated Cleaning Products
It seems counterintuitive, but consuming concentrated cleaning products can help. Financially (because they are cheaper), and environmentally, because they consume less natural resources.
TIP 2 – Use of homemade methods for removing stains
Using natural and homemade methods (you know that tip from your aunt or grandmother?) Reduces the production and use of chemical agents with high toxicity and potential to harm the environment. Let’s take an example: A simple mixture of vinegar, warm water and baking soda can help you remove stains on clothes and surfaces.
Just mix 1/2 cup of vinegar with four of warm water and 1/4 cup of baking soda. Apply directly to the stain, leave on for 15 minutes and rinse.
TIP 3 – Recycle the packaging
Recycle your packaging correctly, but before taking it for selective collection, wash the packaging with water. This optimizes the recycling process and also reduces the chance of chemical agents contaminating the soil during storage and transport to recycling centers.
TIP 4 – Reuse the packaging
Give preference to products that have refills, which despite being a little more expensive in the first purchase, help in reducing the production of plastic. In addition, some packaging (especially plastic) can be used for other purposes indoors.
TIP 5 – Use products in the right measure
Always use products in the right measure. Avoid wasting water in your mixture and always pay attention to their validity.
So, it is best to use quality products consciously, use homemade methods when possible and, most of all, trust the help of an experienced professional who uses eco-friendly products and will do much more with much less! We at Delta Pro Clean use eco-friendly cleaning methods, trust us.